Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Part 5 Part 1
I.2.10 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking south-east across atrium, to tablinum and door sized niche or cupboard.
According to Warscher, quoting BdI, 1874, p.196, she described –
“L’atrium toscanicum ha il pavimento di opus signinum con pietruzze bianche
disposte senza regola”.
See Warscher T., 1935. Codex Topographicus Pompeianus: Regio I.2. (after no.21a), Rome: DAIR, whose copyright it remains.
I.2.10 Pompeii. October 2024. Looking east along south wall
of atrium. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
I.2.10 Pompeii. September 2010. Looking south across atrium. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.
I.2.10 Pompeii but shown as I.3.10 on photo. 1937-39.
Looking towards the south-east corner of the atrium with recess/cupboard and painted decoration on wall.
Photo courtesy of American Academy in Rome, Photographic Archive. Warsher collection no. 1809.
I.2.10 Pompeii. 1935 photo taken by Tatiana Warscher.
Looking towards south-east corner of atrium and door sized cupboard or recess.
See Warscher T., 1935. Codex Topographicus Pompeianus: Regio I.2. (no.21a), Rome: DAIR, whose copyright it remains.
I.2.10 Pompeii. September 2010.
Door-sized recess or cupboard in south wall of atrium, in south-east corner. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.
I.2.10 Pompeii. December 2006. South wall of atrium with door sized niche or cupboard.
I.2.10 Pompeii. December 2006. South wall of atrium. Decorated plaster in door sized cupboard.
I.2.10 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking east across atrium, towards tablinum and passageway to garden and rear.
I.2.10 Pompeii. 1935 photo taken by Tatiana Warscher.
Looking east across impluvium in atrium, towards doorway to corridor to rear, on left, and tablinum, on right.
See Warscher T., 1935. Codex Topographicus Pompeianus: Regio I.2. (no.21), Rome: DAIR, whose copyright it remains.
I.2.10 Pompeii. September 2010. Looking east across impluvium in atrium, towards tablinum. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.
I.2.10 Pompeii. December 2006. Impluvium in atrium.
I.2.10 Pompeii. December 2006. Impluvium in atrium.
I.2.10 Pompeii. October 2024. Detail from atrium. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
I.2.10 Pompeii. September 2010.
Detail of marble monopodium, currently in impluvium. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.
I.2.10 Pompeii. December 2006. Impluvium and marble base of monopodium.
I.2.10 Pompeii. October 2024. Looking east across atrium, into tablinum. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
I.2.10 Pompeii. September 2010. Looking east across atrium, into tablinum. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.
I.2.10 Pompeii. September 2010. North wall of tablinum. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.
I.2.10 Pompeii. September 2010.
Looking west from tablinum, across atrium to doorway and Via Stabiana. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.
I.2.10 Pompeii. December 2006. Tablinum with remains of painted decoration on east wall.
I.2.10 Pompeii. September 2010.
South-east corner of tablinum, with opening into a small room (cubiculum). Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.
According to CTP, this was recorded as an o.m.a.b (ostia murata ab antiquo = doorway blocked in antiquity) in their report.
See Van der Poel, H. B., 1986. Corpus Topographicum Pompeianum, Part IIIA. Austin: University of Texas. (p. 4-5)
I.2.10 Pompeii. September 2010. South wall of tablinum. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.