Part 1 Part
2 Part 3 Part
4 Part 5 Part
6 Part 7 Part
8 Part 9 Part
10 Part
11 Part 12 Plan
Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023.
Looking east along north portico. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking east along the north portico.
According to the plan by La Vega, no. 62 was found on the exterior of the wall on the left, on the east side of the turret room.
From PAH, addendum,
A skeleton with 14
bronze coins was found, (described in PAH, addendum p.129). Near this skeleton,
in distance of pal. 10 towards the north-east, a skeleton was found as of a
small creature, in the manner that the bones were of dust, and a thin small ring
was found, like a golden thread, that was fixed in an “ossiculo” as of a finger.
(Villa Diomedes
Project – area 63, east of area 87, looking east along north side).
(Fontaine, east of room 5,2b, on north side of exterior wall of portico 5d).
From PAH, addendum, p.129 -
Relazione delle antichita, che si
vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si
era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found.....)
“No.62. A di 11 febbraio 1773. Si e trovato
uno scheletro con 14 monete di bronzo, una di diam. on. 1 2/3, e le altre quasi
eguali di on. 1 vantaggiata. Vicino a questo scheletro, in distanza di pal. 10
verso tramontana come verso levante, si e trovato uno scheletro come di
creatura molto picciola, di maniera che le ossa erano in polvere, e si e
trovato un anelletto sottile, come un filo d’oro, ch’era fissato in un ossiculo
come di dito.”
From PAH addendum, p.159 - 13 Febbriao 1773 – Scheletro di uomo con monete; no.62 pianta di La Vega.
Scheletro di fanciullo con anello di oro.
HGW24 Pompeii. July 2010.
Looking east along north portico from north-west corner. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.
(Villa Diomedes
Project – area 63).
portico 5d).
HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking east along north wall of the north portico.
According to the plan by La Vega, nos. 61, 63 and 64 were all found on the exterior side of this north wall.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 63, north wall of north portico).
(Fontaine, portico 5d, north side of north portico).
From PAH,1,1 p.271, dated 6th February 1773, (and addendum p.129 and p. 159): (See No. 61 on the plan of La Vega).
Continuing the cutting of the earth
sideways from the corridor of the known dwelling, there above the lapilli
amongst the middle of the rain of ash, a skeleton was found near to the site where
another one had been found, as noted in the report of 9th March
1771, and close to the same, the following was found – Gold, and Silver, (see
detailed list on page 271).
From PAH, addendum, p.129 –
Relazione delle antichita, che si
vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si
era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found.....)
“No.61. A di 1° febbraio 1773. Si e trovato
vicino ad un scheletro, e tutto involto in una rete, quanto segue -
Oro. Una moneta di diam. min. 4,
da una parte vi e una testa circondata da iscrizione, e dall’altra una figura
sedente anche con iscrizione. E quattro pendenti, come figure di castagna, ma
Argento. No.43 monete quasi
eguali, di diam. min. 4, ma alcune dubito che fossero di argento, per la
ruggine che hanno. Una picciola corniola con dei cavalli intagliati che tirano
un carro, e vengono coronati da una figura. Un pezzo della rete in cui il tutto
era involto. Questo scheletro si e trovato tra la rivegine immediato al
rapillo, ed era distante tre palmi dal muro esterno della cantina.”
From PAH addendum, p.159 - 6 Febbriao 1773 –
Scheletro trovato sopra il lapillo, tramezzo la pioggia di cenere, con oggetti
preziosi; no. 61 pianta di La Vega.
From PAH,1,1 p.272, dated 13th February 1773, (and addendum p.129 and p.159: (See No. 63 on the plan of La Vega).
Continuing to lift
earth from the exterior of the corridor, a room of the said dwelling was found
with a vault (con volta piano), which by being largely emptied was seen from a
window, not yet being able to enter by the door. A skeleton of a man was found,
around 20 paces distant from where the one was found in the past week, and near
to this skeleton 43 coins were found, but rusted. A short distance from that
skeleton, another of a young person with a gold ring was found, which was
formed by a thread/wire that was joined by means of two eyes, weighing… (di
peso trap. 1 ed ac. 3).
You well know that
these people, whose skeletons were discovered in this part, after having escaped
from the rain of lapilli, were surprised by the flood of ash.
From PAH, addendum, p.129 –
Relazione delle antichita, che si
vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si
era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found.....)
“No.63. A di 13 febbraio 1773. Si e
trovato uno scheletro con un anello di ferro tutto arrugginito, il quale
rompendosi tutto, si e trovato avere una pietra di colore d’ambra con testa
intagliata, mancante un pochetto nell’orlo; ma mi pare che sia di pastiglia,
essendo molto sottile.”
From PAH addendum, p.159 - 20 Febbriao 1773 – Altri due scheletri con monete ed anelli; no.63 pianta di
La Vega. Altri due scheletri con monete; no.66 pianta di La Vega.
From PAH,1,1, p.272, dated 20th February 1773, (and addendum p.129 and p.159): (See No.64 on the plan of La Vega).
Lifting the earth from
the said site, another two skeletons were found, on one of which an iron ring
was found which had become a boulder of rust; which having broken, an oval
plate/sheet coloured yellow (di diametro maggiore minuti 3), engraved with the
head of a woman was found. On the other, a silver ring was found, formed by a
circle with two serpents’ heads weighing… (e pesa trap. 5 ½).
A short distance from
these skeletons, a hand was found, that could have belonged to the skeleton noted
in the report of the 6th of the current month, and joined to this
was a ring of gold formed of a circle, that splitting in two had widened
somewhat, and weighed….(e pesa trap. 2 ed acini 13).
The room that we began
to discover in the past week we have attempted to free it, but having found its
walls crushed, only by entering on the knees we have found a suspended glass
jug with a handle; a thin clay vase in the form of pot, holed in its base; an
ordinary terracotta water-jar: an iron hook which was broken in the part of the
In the corridor,
another two skeletons have been discovered, and found close to one of these
were 5 bronze coins, i.e. two of Vespasian, which had on the reverse a woman
holding a cornucopia, and around was the inscription FELICITAS. PVBLICA; another
was of M. Agrippa; and the other two were not well differentiated.
From PAH, addendum, p.129 – 130
Relazione delle antichita, che si
vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si
era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found.....)
“No.64. A di 18 febbraio 1773: Si e trovato
uno scheletro con anello di argento ad un dito; questo anello vien formato
dalla congiunzione di due teste di serpe. E poco piu avanti del referito
scheletro, verso levante, si trovarono le ossa di una mano con un anello di ora
senza pietra, fissato in un osso di quelli. Questa sciolta mano credo, che
appartenga allo scheletro notato il di primo del corrente, essendo in quello
stesso sito.”
From PAH, addendum, p.159 – 6 Febbraio 1773 - Scheletro trovato sopra il lapillo, tramezzo la pioggia di cenere, con
oggetti preziosi; no.61 pianta di La Vega.
- 13 Febbraio 1773 – Scheletro di
uomo con monete; no.62 pianta di La Vega. Scheletro di fanciullo con anello di
- 20 Febbraio 1773 – Altri due
scheletri con monete ed anelli; no.63 pianta di La Vega. Altri due scheletri
con monete; no.66 pianta di La Vega.
HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking south across view of pool across garden.
HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. View across garden to the south.
Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023.
Looking east along garden side of north portico. Photo courtesy of Klaus
HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking east along the interior garden side of north portico, from the north-west corner
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 91, looking east).
HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking east along the north portico.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 63).
(Fontaine, north portico, 5d).
From PAH 1,1, p.260, 28th September 1771 (and addendum p. 124 and 157): (No.24 on the plan by La Vega, found approximately where the figures are standing).
Digging in the usual
dwelling outside the Gate of the city, we found two pieces of lead conduit
amongst the ruins, each united to a square piece of the same metal
(approximately 0.33m square), the length of the conduit being 0,59 m. Also two hinges with their bronze plates.
From PAH, addendum, p.124 –
Relazione delle antichita, che si
vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si
era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found.....)
“No.24. A di 18 e 26 settembre
1771. Fra le rovine di questo portico si ritrovarono due condotti di piombo.”
From PAH addendum, p.157 - 28 Settembre 1771 – No.24 pianta di La Vega.
HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Room at east end of north portico. On the right is a doorway with steps leading down to east portico.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 59).
(Fontaine, room 5d, at east end of north garden portico).
HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes. March 2024.
North wall opposite doorway from east portico, with remaining painted decoration. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 59).
(Fontaine, room 5d, at east end of north garden portico).
Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023.
Steps up at north end of east portico. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
HGW24 Pompeii.
Between 1823 and
1828, sketch by F. Duban of
the ceiling decoration at the east end of north portico 5d.
INHA Identifiant numérique NUM PC 40425
(2) « Licence
Ouverte / Open
Licence » Etalab
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 59).
(Fontaine, north portico, 5d).
HGW24 Pompeii. Between 1823 and 1828, sketch by F. Duban.
At the top, left,
is the ceiling decoration at the east
end of north portico 5d.
below, left, are details of the moulded coffer ceiling from south portico 5b.
sketch on the right is from an unknown location in Villa of Diomedes.
See Duban F. Album de dessins d'architecture effectués
par Félix Duban pendant son pensionnat à la Villa Medicis, entre 1823 et 1828
: Tome 2, Pompéi, pl. 58.
Identifiant numérique NUM PC 40425 (2)
« Licence Ouverte / Open Licence » Etalab
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 63).
(Fontaine, north portico, 5d, and south portico, 5b).
The wording in the
centre of the sketch above is
difficult to read but seems to say –
(At the top) -La salle dans laquelle est ce plafond a 2 bas de
largeur, 3 bas de hauteur et seize étoiles dans la largeur.
(In the centre) -Les plafonds sont en blocage.
(Lower sketch)- La salle a 2,640 de larg., 5,200 de
hauteur, et 5 caissons dans la largeur. »
HGW24 Pompeii. 1830. Painting by Alexander Roos of the ceiling decoration at the east end of north portico 5d.
©Villa Diomedes Project, base de données Images,
HGW24 Pompeii. 5th October 1771. Wall painting of meat, game, egg and produce.
On the right panel is a silver cup. On the left panel is a bag of money.
Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number 8643.
(According to Pagano
and Prisciandaro, this painting, inventory number NAP 8643, was shown as no.26
from the plan by La Vega).
See Pagano, M. and Prisciandaro, R., 2006. Studio
sulle provenienze degli oggetti rinvenuti negli scavi borbonici del regno
di Napoli. Naples: Nicola
Longobardi. (p.71).
(Fontaine, either room 5d (La Vega 25), at east end of north garden portico, or from (Fontaine, room 5,13 (La Vega 26)).
PAH 1,1, p.260, 5th October 1771, (and addendum p.124 and 157): (See No. 25 on the plan by La Vega).
Continuing the said
excavation, we have evacuated two rooms, only detecting one painting
(approximately 0.48m long, 0.24m high) of meat things, as chicken, eggs, etc.,
and this has been cut by the young boys of Canart. They have cut 12 pieces of
white mosaic with black stripe, from the floor of some rooms already discovered
From PAH 1,1, p.260, 12th October 1771.
We have continued the
excavation in the said dwelling outside of the city, lifting the soil from
above some vaults, therefore to be able to enter into the rooms that are
From PAH, addendum, p.124 –
Relazione delle antichita, che si
vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si
era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771.
“No.25. A di 4 ottobre 1771. Questa stanza
tiene la lamia in piano dipinta a stelluce; il dippiu della stanza e di tonica
gialla con qualche ornato liscio, il zoccolo rosso con qualche uccelletto. Il
pavimento e di terra, e non vi si e trovato alcuna cosa.”
Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023.
Looking west along the garden side of north portico. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking west along the garden side of north portico.
Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. Looking south-west across pool
and pergola. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023. Looking west across pool and
pergola. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023.
Looking west across pergola towards west wall with doorway/gate. Photo
courtesy of Klaus Heese.
HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Pool, looking towards square end.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 90).
HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Pool, looking towards curved end.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 90).
HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Pool with bays in walls.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 90).
HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Pool showing bays in walls and curved end.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 90).
From PAH, 1,1, p. 257, dated 17th August 1771, (and addendum p.122 and p.157): (See No. 15 on the plan by La Vega).
We have worked in the
garden of the building outside of the Gate, and have found a well-preserved fish-pond,
all of masonry nearly entirely embedded in the soil, with all its pipes all
around, where the mouthpieces of the corresponding jets remained, but nothing
precious was found.
It was curious to see
the well-preserved carbonised trees in the same garden; from which you can
refer to the arrangement by which they were planted, and all returned to the
From PAH, addendum, p.122 –
Relazione delle antichita, che si
vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si
era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found.....)
“No.15. A di 9 agosto 1771. Questa peschiera
avea tutto il suo giro ornato di lastre di marmo, pero le hanno levate in molte
parti; in ogni pilastrino vi era un zampillo, ma dal lato di mezzogiorno n’e
stato levato il condotto di piombo, come la lastra di marmo; al di dentro e
intonacata di tonica del colore di acqua. Nel mezzo vi era una colonnetta con
lastra di marmo e suo zampillo. Nei lati di detta peschiera vi erano degli
alberi, in distanza di pal. 5 ed on. 3, e tra loro in distanza di pal. 6 ed on.
From PAH addendum, p.157 - 17 Agosto 1771 – Peschiera nel giardino medesimo; no.15 pianta di La Vega. Gli alberi vi
erano ancora conservati, sebbene incarboniti.
HGW24 Pompeii. December 2006. Pool.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 90).
HGW24 Pompeii. March 2024.
Looking east along corridor 5,12 towards upper floor, in north-east corner of portico.
Photo courtesy of
Giuseppe Ciaramella.
Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023.
Looking east along corridor 5,12 in north-east corner of portico. Photo
courtesy of Klaus Heese.
Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023.
Looking east along corridor 5,12 from garden area, towards room 5,18, on
upper floor.
Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023.
Room 5,18, looking east towards steps up to peristyle, from end of
corridor 5,12.
Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
HGW24 Pompeii. May 2006. Looking south along Via
dei Sepolcri.
According to the plan by La Vega, nos. 98 and
99 were found on this side of the roadway.
From PAH, addendum, p.133 –
Relazione delle antichita, che si
vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si
era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities
N.98. A di 12 gennaio 1775. Si e trovata in una tavola di marmo larga pal. 2 on. 4
½ per pal. 1 on. 11 la seguente iscrizione:
Cn(aeo) Vibrio / Q(uinti) f(ilio) Fal(erna) /
Saturnino / Callistus lib(ertus)
[CIL X 1033]
From PAH addendum, p.160 -
14 Gennaio 1775 – Altro sepolcro di Cn. Vibrio
Saturnino; no. 98 pianta di La Vega.
28 Gennaio 1775 – Il medesimo contiene un
(Fontaine, South of villa façade, west side of roadway, (see our HGW23).
From PAH, addendum, p.133 –
Relazione delle antichita, che si
vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si
era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities
N.99. Nel mese di aprile 1790 per le acque cadute si e fatto un fosso nel sito
contrassegnato, e nel muro vi erano i seguenti caratteri alti pal. 2 ¼, e che
di seguito dagli antichi erano stati imbiancati, e sono GABINIG…….. Si e fatto
riempire il fosso, e l’iscrizione resta ove si e veduta.
(Fontaine, North of 98, south of villa façade, west side of roadway, (right side of photo).
HGW24 Pompeii. May 2006. Via dei Sepolcri looking north to steps of entrance.
Just beyond is the doorway of entrance HGW25.
On the other side of the roadway, on the right of the photo, no. 97 and 91 from the La Vega plan were found.
From PAH, addendum, p.133 –
Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig.
D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found.....)
N.97. A di 29 decembre 1774. Si e trovata la seguente iscrizione in pietra di
From PAH addendum, p.160 - 31 Decembre 1774 – Sepolcro di Arria figlia di
Diomede; no. 97 pianta di La Vega.
(Fontaine, East side of roadway, opposite the Villa, near 91.)
From PAH, addendum, p.132 –
Relazione delle antichita, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig.
D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771. (Report of Antiquities found.....)
N.91. A di 22 settembre 1774. Si e trovata la seguente iscrizione in tavola di
marmo, lunga pal. 3 min. 18, altezza min. 58.
From PAH addendum, p.160 - 24 Settembre 1774 – Sepolcro di M. Arrio Diomede,
dirimpetto la casa suddetta; no.91 pianta di La Vega.
(Fontaine, East side of roadway, opposite the Villa.)
Villa of Diomedes, Pompeii. October 2023.
Marble decorative hanging relief (oscilla) showing Hercules and the hind
of Ceryneia. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.
On display in “L’altra MANN” exhibition,
October 2023, at Naples Archaeological Museum.
HGW24 or HGW06 Pompeii.
Villa suburbana, various sketches
of decorations by W. Gell.
See Gell, W. Pompeii unpublished [Dessins de
l'édition de 1832 donnant le résultat des fouilles post 1819 (?)] vol II, pl.
163 of 178.
Bibliothèque de l'Institut National d'Histoire de
l'Art, collections Jacques Doucet, Identifiant numérique Num MS180 (2).
See book in INHA Use Etalab Licence Ouverte
HGW24 or HGW06 Pompeii.
Villa suburbana, various sketches
of wall decorations from villa, by W. Gell.
See Gell, W. Pompeii unpublished [Dessins de
l'édition de 1832 donnant le résultat des fouilles post 1819 (?)] vol II, pl.
165 of 178.
Bibliothèque de l'Institut National d'Histoire de
l'Art, collections Jacques Doucet, Identifiant numérique Num MS180 (2).
See book in INHA Use Etalab Licence Ouverte
Villa of Diomedes. 1819 drawing of various landscape tablets, and ornaments painted in the centres of panels, and on ceilings of rooms in the villa.
See Cooke, Cockburn and Donaldson, 1827. Pompeii Illustrated: Vol. 2. London: Cooke, pl. 45 or 47.
Villa of Diomedes. Undated paintings by Chenavard.
decorations from various places, Diomedes, Grande Rue etc. (The Grand Rue would have been Via Consolare).
the left, painted candelabra described as being from the Grand Rue.
to it, painted decoration from Maison de Campagne (Diomedes).
to that, painted decoration from Maison de Campagne (Diomedes).
the right, two decs from Maison de Campagne (Diomedes).
the upper right, the painted architecture is described as being from the Grand
See Chenavard, Antoine-Marie (1787-1883) et al. Voyage
d'Italie, croquis Tome 3, pl. 112.
INHA Identifiant
numérique : NUM MS 703 (3). See Book
Document placé sous « Licence
/ Open
Licence »
According to Dessales from the Villa Diomedes Project –
12 mosaics are attributed to the Villa of Diomedes in Roux, Barre, 1861-1877, 5, pp.14-15, pls 1-12 but without any scientific basis.
The same thing could also be said of the Ornati volumes.
According to Cooke, Cockburn and Donaldson, 8 mosaics are attributed to the villa, and were taken to the Portici Museum.
See Cooke, Cockburn and Donaldson, 1827. Pompeii Illustrated: Vol. 2. London: Cooke, pl. 52.
The interpretation of this is quite complex, the excavation diaries indicate some pavements (which were immediately removed during the excavations) but it has not been easy to recognize them from their description in any collection.
The Villa Diomedes Project took pictures in Portici and Naples Museums to try to connect the descriptions in the diaries, but no solid identifications were arrived at.
Note too, that many pavements from the Villa of Diomedes are missing, as in 79AD the Villa was being completely restored.
HGW24 Pompeii. Pre 1796. Drawing of mosaic flooring in courtyard preceding the baths.
(Villa Diomedes Project- area 5).
(Fontaine room Baths 3)
See Gli ornati delle pareti ed i pavimenti delle
stanze dell'antica Pompei incisi in rame: 1796 pt.1 and Gli Ornati 1838.
According to Villa Diomedes Project, this mosaic was from area 5,
the courtyard preceding the Baths area, see Villa
Diomedes Part 1 on our website.
(Villa Diomedes Project – area 14.)
(Fontaine, room 2,13).
According to Villa Diomedes Project, the mosaic on the top right is from a room on south side of upper peristyle, see Villa Diomedes Part 1 on our website.
Annotations par Chenavard : "a : noir et blanc en éclat de marbre mêlé
avec de la brique pilée et chaux; b : petits cubes de marbre blanc sur fond de
ciment et briques".
Relevé reproduit et annoté de pavements en mosaïque de la Villa di Diomède.
See Chenavard,
Antoine-Marie (1787-1883) et al. Voyage d'Italie, croquis Tome 3, pl. 100.
INHA identifiant
numérique : NUM MS 703 (3). See Book on INHA
placé sous « Licence Ouverte / Open Licence » Etalab
HGW24 Pompeii. Pre-1796. Mosaic
said to be from the Villa of Diomedes.
According to Villa Diomedes Project, this mosaic may be from the room on the upper floor with three windows – area 17, but could also be of uncertain provenance, see Part 3 on website.
Diomedes Project – area 17)
room 2,12).
See Gli ornati delle pareti ed i pavimenti delle
stanze dell'antica Pompei incisi in rame: pt.1 1796.
See Gli ornati delle pareti ed i pavimenti delle
stanze dell'antica Pompei incisi in rame: 1838.
We have included the mosaics below as being from the Villa of Diomedes, in the hope that one day their provenance may be proved, or not.
Villa of Diomedes. 1827 drawing of eight mosaics found in villa and taken to Portici Museum.
The mosaic, second from the lower left, is very similar to one in VI.1.25/7 and also one found later in VIII.3.8.
See Cooke, Cockburn and Donaldson, 1827. Pompeii Illustrated: Vol. 2. London: Cooke, pl. 52.
HGW24 Pompeii. Pre-1796. Mosaic said to be from the Villa of
See Gli ornati delle pareti ed i pavimenti delle
stanze dell'antica Pompei incisi in rame: pt.1 1796.
See Gli ornati delle pareti ed i pavimenti delle
stanze dell'antica Pompei incisi in rame: 1838, p. 105/124.
HGW24 Pompeii. Pre-1796. Mosaic said to be from the Villa of
According to the index description, (no.40) –
“La simmetrica
disposizione de’ bei ornati di pezzetti di marmo coloriti costituisce il
principal merito di questo grazioso pavimento, quadrilatero, inciso dallo
("The symmetrical arrangement of beautiful decorations
of pieces of coloured marble constitute the main merit of this graceful square
floor, engraved by Scarpati.")
See Gli ornati
delle pareti ed i pavimenti delle stanze dell'antica Pompei incisi in rame:
1838, pl. 40.
HGW24 Pompeii.
Pre-1796. Mosaic
said to be from the Villa of Diomedes.
See Gli ornati
delle pareti ed i pavimenti delle stanze dell'antica Pompei incisi in rame:
pt.1 1796.
See Gli ornati
delle pareti ed i pavimenti delle stanze dell'antica Pompei incisi in rame:
1838, p. 118 of 124.
HGW24 Pompeii. Pre-1796. Mosaic said to be from the Villa of
See Gli ornati delle pareti ed i pavimenti delle
stanze dell'antica Pompei incisi in rame: pt.1 1796.
See Gli ornati delle pareti ed i pavimenti delle
stanze dell'antica Pompei incisi in rame: 1838, p. 117 of 124.
HGW24 Pompeii. Pre-1796. Mosaic said to be from the Villa of
This mosaic is very similar to one found in VI.1.7/25, and also in
VIII.3.8 (but this would not have been excavated in 1796).
According to the index description, (no. 9) –
“Graziosa era
l’invenzione di questo pavimento. Esprime nel mezzo un ornato quadrilatero che
risveglia l’idea di un labirinto per le tante vie, direm cosi, che vi si
veggono tracciate. Questo ornato vien chiuso dalle mura merlate e turrite di
una Città che ha quattro porte, ciascuna nel mezzo di ogni lato del quadrato.
Era formato di pezzetti di diversi marmi, e fu inciso dal Fiorillo.”
(“Very pretty was the invention/idea of this floor. It
expresses in the middle a decorated square that shows the idea of a labyrinth
through the many streets, so to speak, that are seen there. This decoration is
closed by the crenelated and turreted walls of a city that has four gates, each
one in the middle of each side of the square. It was made by pieces of several
marbles and was engraved by Fiorillo.”)
See Gli ornati delle pareti ed i pavimenti delle
stanze dell'antica Pompei incisi in rame: pt.1 1796.
See Gli ornati delle pareti ed i pavimenti delle
stanze dell'antica Pompei incisi in rame: 1838, Mosaics pl. 60.
HGW24 Pompeii. Pre-1796. Mosaic said to be from the Villa of
See Gli ornati delle pareti ed i pavimenti delle
stanze dell'antica Pompei incisi in rame: pt.1 1796.
See Gli ornati delle pareti ed i pavimenti delle
stanze dell'antica Pompei incisi in rame: 1838, p. 124 of 124.
HGW24 Pompeii. Villa of Diomedes, undated sketch of a
mosaic titled Pompéi, mosaïque antique.
may have been drawn in Naples Museum/Portici, so does not show what is left in
the site at Pompeii.
See Debret F. (1777-1850), Piranesi F. (1758-1810), LaBrouste H.
(1801-1875). Voyage en Italie-De
Naples à Paestum, pl. 116.
INHA Identifiant numérique : NUM PC 77832 (07). See
book on INHA Les documents sont placés sous « Licence Ouverte / Open Licence » Etalab
Pompeii. 1875 lithograph showing mosaics from Villa of Diomedes. Photo courtesy
of Rick Bauer.
HGW24 Pompeii. August 1832, watercolour sketches by Charles-Auguste Questel.
top two floor mosaics would appear to be from Villa of Diomedes, but the one on
the lower left is unknown.
Villa of Diomedes, perhaps VIII.2.3 (as is the one on the lower right) or
perhaps somewhere different.
See Charles-Auguste Questel (1807-1888) Voyage en Italie
et Sicile. Août 1831 - novembre 1832, pl. 36.
INHA identifiant
numérique : NUM MS 512. Document placé sous « Licence
/ Open
Licence »
floor in Naples Archaeological Museum,
into room CXXXIV (134), looking from doorway threshold and room CXXXV (135).
2024. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.
to Abbate - in the index for the 1859 edition -
would appear to be a mosaic floor, as seen in the centre of the above floor.
the index it is provenanced from the Villa of Diomedes at Pompeii?
would appear to be the above border/edge of the mosaic floor and is also said
to be from Villa of Diomedes.
See Raccolta de più interessante Dipinture e di più
belle Musaici rinvenuti negli Scavi di Ercolano, di Pompei, e di Stabia. 1859. Napoli.
the 1865 and 1871 edition with index, these mosaics are just quoted as being
from Pompeii.
the border/edge may be from VI.17.9/10 (?), where these mosaics are also
According to the Naples Archaeological Museum book on “La
Collezione Magna Grecia” (p.68) -
“La sala CXXXIV
contiene un pavimento rettangolare policromo, che Giambattista Finati riteneva
provenisse dalla Villa di Diomede, avente sui lati corti motivi a mura di citta
con archi e simboli marini, al centro, quadrati con fiori e cespi di foglie
racchiusi da un cornice a motivi vegetali.”
CXXXIV contains a polychrome rectangular floor, which Giambattista Finati
believed to have come from the Villa of Diomedes, having on the short sides
motifs of city walls with arches and marine symbols, in the centre, squares
with flowers, and tufts of leaves enclosed by a cornice with plant motifs.)
Giambattista Finati was the Inspector General of the Real Museo Borbonico.)
Both mosaics are now set in the floor of the Naples Museum, in the pinacoteca, sala 4.
See Allroggen-Bedel - Die malereien aus
dem Haus Insula Occidentalis 10, (page 163-5).
(Note: Now in Room CXXXIV, (134).
Villa of Diomedes ? or VI 17.9/10 Pompeii ?. June 2024.
Looking across centre of mosaic floor, on
display in Naples Archaeological Museum, room CXXXIV, (134). Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella
Villa of Diomedes ? or VI 17.9/10 Pompeii ?. June 2024.
Looking towards border of mosaic with motifs of city walls with arches and marine symbols, in the centre, squares with flowers, and tufts of leaves enclosed by a cornice with plant motifs.
On display in Naples Archaeological Museum, room CXXXIV, (134). Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.
Villa of Diomedes ? or VI 17.9/10 Pompeii ?. June 2024.
Detail from mosaic of “doors”, starting with an anchor, trident, two dolphins, an anchor, one dolphin, and a stern of a ship with rudder.
display in Naples Archaeological Museum, Room CXXXIV. Photo courtesy of
Giuseppe Ciaramella.
Villa of Diomedes ? or VI 17.9/10 Pompeii ?. June 2024.
Detail from mosaic of “doors”, starting with one dolphin, and a stern of a ship with rudder, another dolphin and an anchor.
display in Naples Archaeological Museum, Room CXXXIV. Photo courtesy of
Giuseppe Ciaramella.
Villa of Diomedes ? or VI 17.9/10 Pompeii ?. June 2024.
Detail from mosaic of “doors”, starting with two dolphins, a trident and an anchor.
display in Naples Archaeological Museum, Room CXXXIV. Photo courtesy of
Giuseppe Ciaramella.
Villa of Diomedes ? or VI 17.9/10 Pompeii ?. June 2024.
Detail from one of the colourful mosaic panels in the centre of floor in room CXXXIV (134) of Naples Archaeological Museum.
Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella
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