Pompeii. May 2006. Looking south along Via dei Sepolcri from HGW24 Villa of
to the plan by La Vega, nos. 98 and 99 were found on this side of the roadway.
From PAH I, addendum, p.133 –
delle antichità, che si vanno ritrovando nella masseria del sig. D. Giovanni
Milano parsonaro, che si era principiata al di 14 Febbraro 1771.
N.98. A di 12
gennaio 1775. Si e trovata in una tavola di marmo
larga pal. 2 on. 4 ½ per pal. 1 on. 11 la seguente iscrizione:
Report of the antiquities, which are being found in the farm of Sig. D. Giovanni Milano parsonaro, which had begun on 14 February 1771.
N.98. On 12 January 1775 was found a wide marble tablet, pal. 2 on. 4-1/2 by pal. 1 on. 11, with the following inscription:
According to Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de) this reads
Cn(aeo) Vibrio
Q(uinti) f(ilio)
lib(ertus) [CIL X 1033]
From PAH I addendum, p.160 -
14 Gennaio 1775 – Altro sepolcro di Cn. Vibrio Saturnino; no.
98 pianta di La Vega.
28 Gennaio 1775 – Il medesimo contiene un triclinio.
January 14, 1775 – Another tomb of Cn. Vibrio Saturnino; №. 98 on plan of La Vega.
January 28, 1775
- The same contains a triclinium.
See Fiorelli G., 1860. Pompeianarum antiquitatum historia, Vol. 1: 1748 - 1818, Naples, addendum p. 133 and p. 160.
HGW23 Pompeii. May 20246. Front and entrance, looking west from Via dei Sepolcri. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
HGW23 Pompeii. May 2006. Front and entrance, looking west.
According to Soprano –
It was the only funeral triclinium so far found in Pompeii. It is
located in a small open space which can be accessed from the via dei
Sepolcri. The entrance door, m. 1.23 and wide m. 1.05, was surmounted by a pediment with
inscriptions that make known the name of the builder of the triclinium, the
freedman Callisto, and the person to whom it was dedicated; Cn. Vibio Saturnino.
See Soprano, P.
1950. I triclini all’aperto di Pompei. (In Pompeiana, raccolta di
studi per il secondo centenario degli scavi di Pompei. Napoli, Gaetano
Macchiaroli, Editore, p.304, no.21.
In April 1790 the inscription GABINIG…. was found on the wall to the right of the entrance [CIL IV 87].
See Kockel V., 1983. Die Grabbauten vor dem Herkulaner Tor in Pompeji. Mainz: von Zabern. (p. 109).
From PAH, addendum, p.133 –
La Vega 99. In April 1790 a ditch was made at the marked location because
of rainwater, and on the wall there were the following
characters, 2 ¼ Pal high, and which later by the ancients had been whitewashed,
and they are GABINIG ....... The ditch was filled, and the inscription remains
where it was seen.
See Fiorelli G.,
1860. Pompeianarum antiquitatum historia,
Vol. 1: 1748 - 1818, Naples, addendum p. 133.
HGW23 Pompeii. May 2024. Looking west towards detail in front of doorway. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
5727f Pompeji-Via Sepolcri-Via delle Tombe-Triclinium funebre of Cn. Vibrius Saturninus (HGW23)-Detail über dem Eingang.
HGW23 Pompeii. May 2010. Marble plaque above entrance.
According to the report of Rocco G. Alcubierre of 14th January 1775 the inscribed marble tablet was found above the door of the tomb which was joined to the Villa of Diomedes.
And at the time it had not been possible to do research inside and nor had
it been possible to leave the tablet and it had been sent to the Royal Museum.
See details by Umberto Soldovieri on Epigraphic Database Roma
According to Kockel the plaque shown here is a copy of the one now in Naples Archaeological Museum.
See Kockel V., 1983. Die Grabbauten vor dem Herkulaner Tor in Pompeji. Mainz: von Zabern, (p. 109).
HGW23 Pompeii. May 2006. Marble plaque with Latin inscription.
According to Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de) this reads
Cn(aeo) Vibrio
Q(uinti) f(ilio)
lib(ertus) [CIL X 1033]
Mau translated this as
To the memory of Gnaeus Vibrius Saturninus son of Quintus, of the tribe Falerna; erected by his freedman Callistus.
See Mau, A., 1907, translated by Kelsey F. W. Pompeii: Its Life and Art. New York: Macmillan. (. 424).
HGW23 Pompeii. Original marble plaque with Latin inscription to CN. Vibrio Saturnino Callistus.
Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number 3883.
According to Virginia Campbell this reads
Cn(aeo) Vibrio
Q(uinti) f(ilio)
Fal(erna tribu)
Callistus (mulieris) lib(ertus) [CIL X 1033]
and translates as
To Gnaeus Vibrius Saturninus, son of Quintius, member of the Falernian tribe, (built by) Callistus, freedman of a woman.
See Campbell V., 2015. The tombs of Pompeii: organization, space, and society. New York-London: Routledge, p. 174, p. 112.
HGW23 Pompeii. 1824. Reconstruction illustration by Mazois of original decoration of tomb, looking west.
The triclinium was found on the 28th January 1775.
See Mazois, F.,
1824. Les Ruines de Pompei: Premiere
Partie. Paris: Didot Frères. (Pl. XX, 3).
See Fiorelli G.,
1860. Pompeianarum antiquitatum historia,
Vol. 1: 1748 - 1818, Naples, addendum p. 160.
HGW23 Pompeii. 1824. Cross section illustration by Mazois of original decoration of tomb.
See Mazois, F.,
1824. Les Ruines de Pompei: Premiere
Partie. Paris: Didot Frères. (Pl. XX, 1).
HGW23 Pompeii. 1824. Illustration of tomb, looking towards south side.
See Real Museo Borbonico Vol. 1, Tav. XIII.
HGW23 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking towards south-west corner and remains of triclinium.
HGW23 Pompeii. May 2006. Remains of triclinium in south-west corner.
According to Soprano –
L. medius, m. 6.06; l. imus, m. 3.30, l. Summus, m. 310.
Bibliog. Fiorelli, op.c., p.409; Breton, op.c., p.81; Mazois,I, tav. 20, fig.3;
Mau, op.c., p.443 e fig. 249;
Overbeck, op.c., p.412, e fig.210.
Era l’unico
triclinio funebre finora rinvenuto a Pompei. Si trova in un piccola ambiente
scoperto cui si accede dalla strada dei Sepolcri.
La porta
d’ingresso, alta m. 1,23 e larga m. 1,05, era sormontata da un frontone con
iscrizioni che rende noti il nome del costruttore del triclinio, il liberto
Callisto, e il personaggio cui esso era dedicato; Cn. Vibio Saturnino.
Il triclinio,
attualmente grezzo, era ricoperto d’intonaco rosso con graziose pitture
raffiguranti piante e animali: anche le pareti dell’ambiente erano elegantemente
Dei tre letti, a
piano inclinati, il l. imus era piu lungo del summus e il l.medius
era lungo in modo insolito.
La mensa era in
buona parte demolita, e completamente demolito era un piccolo piedistallo
circolare che si trovava davanti ad essa e che doveva servire per le libazioni
ai Mani o per sostenere l’immagine del defunto.
HGW23 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking towards west side with remains of triclinium.
According to Soprano, the triclinium was covered with red plaster with pretty paintings depicting plants and animals: even the walls of the room were elegantly decorated.
Of the three beds, on an inclined plane, the l. imus was longer than the summus and the l. medius was unusually long.
The table was largely demolished, and completely demolished was a small circular pedestal that was in front of it and which was to be used for libations or to support the image of the deceased.
See Soprano, P.
1950. I triclini all’aperto di Pompei. (In Pompeiana, raccolta di
studi per il secondo centenario degli scavi di Pompei. Napoli, Gaetano
Macchiaroli, Editore, p.304, no.21.
HGW23 Pompeii. May 2010. Remains of triclinium on west side.
HGW23 Pompeii. May 2006. Remains of triclinium, looking west.
HGW23 Pompeii. May 2006. Remains of triclinium in north-west corner.
HGW23 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking towards north-west corner and north wall.
HGW23 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking towards north-east corner.