
Stabiae, Villa di Arianna or Villa Arianna or Villa di Varano A.

Excavated 1757-1762, 1777-1778, 1950-1962.


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Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. W.27, looking west along corridor. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. W.27, looking west along corridor. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. W.27, looking west along north wall of corridor.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. W.27, looking west along north wall of corridor.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. W.27, looking west along south wall of corridor.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. W.27, looking west along south wall of corridor.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2021. 
W. 22, west portico of peristyle, looking west towards remains of painted decoration at sides of doorway to corridor W.27. 
Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2021.

W. 22, west portico of peristyle, looking west towards remains of painted decoration at sides of doorway to corridor W.27.

Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, October 2020. 
W. 22, looking west towards walls of alcove in north-west corner of portico of peristyle. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, October 2020.

W. 22, looking west towards walls of alcove in north-west corner of portico of peristyle. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. W. 22, west wall of alcove in north-west corner of portico of peristyle.
Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. W. 22, west wall of alcove in north-west corner of portico of peristyle. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. W. 22, alcove in north-west corner of portico of peristyle. Looking towards west wall.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. W. 22, alcove in north-west corner of portico of peristyle. Looking towards west wall.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. W. 22, detail from west wall of portico in north-west corner of peristyle.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. W. 22, detail from west wall of portico in north-west corner of peristyle.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. W. 22, detail from west wall of portico in north-west corner of peristyle.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. W. 22, detail from west wall of portico in north-west corner of peristyle.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. W. 22, north wall of alcove in north-west corner of peristyle.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. W. 22, north wall of alcove in north-west corner of peristyle.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. W. 22, south wall of alcove in north-west corner of peristyle.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. W. 22, south wall of alcove in north-west corner of peristyle.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. 
W.22, west portico of peristyle, looking west towards remains of painted decoration on south side of doorway to corridor W.27.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015.

W.22, west portico of peristyle, looking west towards remains of painted decoration on south side of doorway to corridor W.27.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2021. 
W.22, west portico of courtyard, painted decoration between rooms W.26 and corridor W.27. 
Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2021.

W.22, west portico of courtyard, painted decoration between rooms W.26 and corridor W.27.

Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. 
W.22, west portico of courtyard, painted decoration between rooms W.26 and corridor W.27.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015.

W.22, west portico of courtyard, painted decoration between rooms W.26 and corridor W.27.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2021. 
W.22, west portico of courtyard, detail of painted decoration between rooms W.26 and corridor W.27. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2021.

W.22, west portico of courtyard, detail of painted decoration between rooms W.26 and corridor W.27. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2021. 
W.22, west portico of courtyard, detail from lower right of panel, between rooms W.26 and corridor W.27. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2021.

W.22, west portico of courtyard, detail from lower right of panel, between rooms W.26 and corridor W.27.

Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. W.22, west portico of peristyle, looking towards doorway to unexcavated room W.26.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. W.22, west portico of peristyle, looking towards doorway to unexcavated room W.26.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Corridor 26, south end from near room 27, looking west.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Corridor 26, south end from near room 27, looking west.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, October 2020. 
Corridor 26, looking north from near room 27, on right. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, October 2020.

Corridor 26, looking north from near room 27, on right. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 27, looking north from entrance doorway.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 27, looking north from entrance doorway on north portico.

Weber wrote (10th December 1757) “a white mosaic floor with squares and black lines is being discovered”.

The area is identified on Weber’s plan as no.34, the above room 27.

This is a large rectangular space of approximately 10.50 x 5.45m, presumably an oecus or winter triclinium, which opened directly onto the square peristyle located south-east of the atrium.

See Gardelli, P., and Ariano, C. Two lesser-known mosaic floors from the 18th Century excavations of Villa Arianna at Stabia. (p.132).


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, 1760 plan by Karl Weber.
See Ruggiero M., 1881. Degli scavi di Stabia dal 1749 al 1782, Naples, (Tav. IV).

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, 1760 plan by Karl Weber.

See Ruggiero M., 1881. Degli scavi di Stabia dal 1749 al 1782, Naples, (Tav. IV).


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, drawing of mosaic floor from Weber’s room 34, now room 27. 
See Ruggiero M., 1881. Degli scavi di Stabia dal 1749 al 1782, Naples, (detail from Tav. IV).

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, drawing of mosaic floor from Weber’s room 34, now room 27.

See Ruggiero M., 1881. Degli scavi di Stabia dal 1749 al 1782, Naples, (detail from Tav. IV).


Mosaic (around the edge of the floor), from Villa Arianna, Stabia, room 27. June 2024. 
Now on display in Room CXXXVI (136) of the first floor of Naples Archaeological Museum. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.
According to Naples Museum, this is described as a section of “mat” floor pertaining to Villa Arianna.
According to Gardelli and Ariano –
“Most of the mosaic floors from Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabiae, after being detached and cut into large or smaller fragments, were arbitrarily recomposed first in the Museo Ercolanese and then in Real Museo without any consideration for their original context or pattern but purely for decorative purposes.”
See Gardelli, P., and Ariano, C. Two lesser-known mosaic floors from the 18th Century excavations of Villa Arianna at Stabia. (p.137).

Mosaic (around the edge of the floor), from Villa Arianna, Stabia, room 27. June 2024.

Now on display in Room CXXXVI (136) of the first floor of Naples Archaeological Museum. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

According to Naples Museum, this is described as a section of “mat” floor pertaining to Villa Arianna.

According to Gardelli and Ariano –

“Most of the mosaic floors from Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabiae, after being detached and cut into large or smaller fragments, were arbitrarily recomposed first in the Museo Ercolanese and then in Real Museo without any consideration for their original context or pattern but purely for decorative purposes.”

See Gardelli, P., and Ariano, C. Two lesser-known mosaic floors from the 18th Century excavations of Villa Arianna at Stabia. (p.137).


Villa Arianna, Stabia. June 2024.
Black and white mosaic now on display in Room CXXXVI (136) of the first floor of Naples Archaeological Museum. 
Detail of floor from room 27 of Villa Arianna, Stabia. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

Villa Arianna, Stabia. June 2024.

Black and white mosaic now on display in Room CXXXVI (136) of the first floor of Naples Archaeological Museum.

Detail of floor from room 27 of Villa Arianna, Stabia. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, December 2023.
Room 27, looking north from entrance doorway. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.
“A few small portions of the lower zoccolo/dado have survived on three walls, painted with a black background and white threads; on the north-east and north-west walls some surviving parts of the middle section of the pictorial surface are evident, consisting of a red background framed by white bands.”
See Gardelli, P., and Ariano, C. Two lesser-known mosaic floors from the 18th Century excavations of Villa Arianna at Stabia. (p.133).

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, December 2023.

Room 27, looking north from entrance doorway. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.

“A few small portions of the lower zoccolo/dado have survived on three walls, painted with a black background and white threads; on the north-east and north-west walls some surviving parts of the middle section of the pictorial surface are evident, consisting of a red background framed by white bands.”

See Gardelli, P., and Ariano, C. Two lesser-known mosaic floors from the 18th Century excavations of Villa Arianna at Stabia. (p.133).


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, October 2020. Room 27, looking north from entrance doorway. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, October 2020. Room 27, looking north from entrance doorway. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 27, looking north across room.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 27, looking north across room.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 27, remains of painted decoration in north-east corner.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 27, remains of painted decoration in north-east corner.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. 
Room 27, looking south-west across room towards doorway to portico, on left, and doorway to corridor 26, centre.
“…. A second incomplete white marble slab was identified near the south corner, 0.60m wide and 0.34m long. This formed part of the access threshold (0.34 x 0.92m) opening onto the service corridor (26)…….. Here, as with the inner side of the threshold, the cleaning work also led to the identification of a second mosaic fragment (0.06 x 0.21m) consisting entirely of black coloured tesserae set horizontally.”
See Gardelli, P., and Ariano, C. Two lesser-known mosaic floors from the 18th Century excavations of Villa Arianna at Stabia. (p.135).

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015.

Room 27, looking south-west across room towards doorway to portico, on left, and doorway to corridor 26, centre.

“…. A second incomplete white marble slab was identified near the south corner, 0.60m wide and 0.34m long. This formed part of the access threshold (0.34 x 0.92m) opening onto the service corridor (26)…….. Here, as with the inner side of the threshold, the cleaning work also led to the identification of a second mosaic fragment (0.06 x 0.21m) consisting entirely of black coloured tesserae set horizontally.”

See Gardelli, P., and Ariano, C. Two lesser-known mosaic floors from the 18th Century excavations of Villa Arianna at Stabia. (p.135).


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 27, threshold in doorway, from north portico.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 27, threshold in doorway, from north portico.

According to Gardelli and Ariano –

“The existence of a doorway (0.34 x 2.20m), already detected during the Bourbon excavations, that connected the peristyle with what is likely to have been the triclinium (27), was confirmed by the discovery of some parts of the threshold on the short south-east side of the latter room.

The discovery consists of a fragmentary white marble slab, of which about 1.53m in width and about 0.34m in length is preserved. During the cleaning and consolidation of the numerous fragments of the marble slab along the inner edge of the threshold, a small surviving portion (0.12 x 0.38m) of the mosaic floor that decorated the whole room was found. This is distinguished by a band formed by three rows of black tesserae, followed by a band of three rows of white tesserae and a band of black tesserae. It was clear from this discovery that the floor consisted of a black and white tessellatum bordered with bands of contrasting colour with tiles set horizontally.”

See Gardelli, P., and Ariano, C. Two lesser-known mosaic floors from the 18th Century excavations of Villa Arianna at Stabia. (p.134-5).


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, October 2020. Room 27, looking south-east across portico, from doorway. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, October 2020. Room 27, looking south-east across portico, from doorway. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2021. 
W.22, looking across the north portico of the courtyard towards doorway to atrium. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2021.

W.22, looking across the north portico of the courtyard towards doorway to atrium. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. W.22, looking across the north portico of the courtyard. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. W.22, looking across the north portico of the courtyard. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. W.22, looking east across the north portico of the courtyard.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. W.22, looking east across the north portico of the courtyard.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 44, doorway to cubiculum from north portico.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 44, doorway to cubiculum from north portico.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 44, doorway from north portico.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 44, doorway from north portico.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 44, mosaic floor.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 44, mosaic floor.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. Room 44, mosaic floor near doorway. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. Room 44, mosaic floor near doorway. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, December 2023.
Room 44, looking north from doorway. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, December 2023.

Room 44, looking north from doorway. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, October 2020. Room 44, looking north from doorway. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, October 2020. Room 44, looking north from doorway. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. Room 44, looking north from doorway. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. Room 44, looking north from doorway. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, October 2020. Room 44, looking towards detail from upper walls. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, October 2020. Room 44, looking towards detail from upper walls. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 44, north wall and north-east corner.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 44, north wall and north-east corner.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, October 2020. 
Room 44, looking towards north-east corner. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, October 2020.

Room 44, looking towards north-east corner. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. Room 44, looking towards east wall in north-east corner.
Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019.

Room 44, looking towards east wall in north-east corner. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 44, east wall.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 44, east wall.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 45, doorway, looking north.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 45, doorway, looking north.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, December 2023. Room 45, looking north through doorway. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, December 2023. Room 45, looking north through doorway. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. Room 45, looking north through doorway. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. Room 45, looking north through doorway. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, October 2020. 
Room 45, looking north along west wall. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, October 2020.

Room 45, looking north along west wall. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 45, looking north along west wall.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 45, looking north along west wall.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 45, mosaic floor.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 45, mosaic floor.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. Room 45, upper west wall. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. Room 45, upper west wall. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 45, upper west wall.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 45, upper west wall.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. Room 45, detail from west wall at north end. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. Room 45, detail from west wall at north end. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. Room 45, west wall. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. Room 45, west wall. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 45, west wall.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 45, west wall.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. Room 45, upper north-west corner. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. Room 45, upper north-west corner. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, October 2020. Room 45, looking towards north wall. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, October 2020. Room 45, looking towards north wall. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 45, north wall.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 45, north wall.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 45, upper north wall.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 45, upper north wall.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, October 2020. 
Room 45, looking towards north-east corner. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, October 2020.

Room 45, looking towards north-east corner. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. Room 45, upper north-east corner. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. Room 45, upper north-east corner. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.


Villa Arianna, April 2005. Room 45, painted decoration from upper walls in north-east corner. Photo courtesy of Michael Binns.

Villa Arianna, April 2005. Room 45, painted decoration from upper walls in north-east corner. Photo courtesy of Michael Binns.


Villa Arianna, April 2005. Room 45, painted decoration from the north-east corner. 
Photo courtesy of Michael Binns.

Villa Arianna, April 2005. Room 45, painted decoration from the north-east corner. Photo courtesy of Michael Binns.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. Room 45, upper east wall. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. Room 45, upper east wall. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 45, upper east wall.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 45, upper east wall.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 45, east wall.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 45, east wall.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. Room 45, upper south-east corner. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. Room 45, upper south-east corner. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 45, south wall.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 45, south wall.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. Room 45, upper south wall. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, June 2019. Room 45, upper south wall. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 45, upper south wall.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 45, upper south wall.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 45, mosaic floor.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Room 45, mosaic floor.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Portico W22, north wall and rooms in north-east corner of porticoed courtyard.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Portico W22, north wall and rooms in north-east corner of porticoed courtyard.


Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Doorways to rooms in north-east corner of portico, looking east across porticoed courtyard W.22.

Stabiae, Villa Arianna, September 2015. Doorways to rooms in north-east corner of portico, looking east across porticoed courtyard W.22.



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Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 16-Jul-2024 18:34